Una breve guida per la modalitа Developer.
Aprite il file engine.cfg dentro rcgame con notepad. Le voci che vi interessano sono
CODE | developer "1" logWindow "1" |
La prima abilita la modalitа Developer, la seconda la finestra di Log (non consigliata di base). La prima (modo developer) attiva alcuni codici e permette di aprire l'Editor ed alcune Mappe del gioco. La finestra di Log (attivabile solo con il Developer Mode attivo) apre 1 finestra in-game ed il Mouse pertanto non funzionerа piщ durante il gioco. La finestra di Log non si puт chiudere. Essa rilascia alcuni avvisi e permette di inserire comandi speciali per i Developer.
NOTA abilitando la modalitа Developer in Multiplayer saremo segnalati come Cheater PROBABILI, se infine usiamo i codici developer per truccare e poi salviamo .... saremo segnati come Cheater SICURI.
multishot # - Takes multiple screenshots of a single frame with a sub-pixel jitter, up to # times. This had to be implemented for nice screenshots, because my terrible laptop GeForce doesn't support HDR and FSAA.
scut # string - # is 0-8, and string is a dev command. Assigns the shortcut buttons on the log window.
reloadmenus - Reload menus.
reloadpcl - Reload particles.
NOTA i comandi vanno inseriti nella finestra della chat (premendo T di default) e come vediamo iniziano tutti con /devcmd
/devcmd spawn objname - objname is the name of any object defined in the rco files. So, "spawn obj_e30purple" would spawn a Fighter, for example.
/devcmd noclip - No clipping mode (fly through walls and such).
/devcmd jesus - Undying mode.
/devcmd notarget - Enemies will not see you.
/devcmd npsngs - Nothing will die.
/devcmd aipath - Toggle display of dynamic AI navigation paths.
/devcmd getpos - Print the player's position.
/devcmd setpos (# # #) - Set the player's position to (# # #) referring to (x y z) coordinates.
/devcmd <3 - Max health, all abilities.
/devcmd mako # - Give # mako. # can be a negative value to subtract mako.
/devcmd str # - Set strength stat to #.
/devcmd def # - Set defense stat to #.
/devcmd dex # - Set dexterity stat to #.
/devcmd luck # - Set luck stat to #.
/devcmd killemall - Kill all enemies on the level.
/devcmd giveitup - Stomps over the inventory with all items.
/devcmd timescale # - Sets the global time scale, where 1.0 is regular, 0.5 is half speed, 2.0 is double speed, and so on.
/devcmd testfx fxname - fxname is the name of a particle system. The effect will be played on the location of the player.
/devcmd runscript scriptname - scriptname is the name of any R-Script routine. The routine will be executed on the spot.
/devcmd map mapname - mapname is the name of one of the rcm files in the assets/maps folder. This changes the map.
/devcmd gvar name value - Sets gvar "name" to "value".
/devcmd gvarlist - Lists all gvars.
/devcmd mscript scriptname - scriptname is the name of a menu script. This broadcasts a message to clients to run a specific menu script.
".... e guideremo i giocatori verso la terra promessa ...."