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 [guida] Modalitа Developer
Inviato il: 30/06/2008, 15:54:27
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Una breve guida per la modalitа Developer.

Aprite il file engine.cfg dentro rcgame con notepad. Le voci che vi interessano sono

developer   "1"
logWindow   "1"

La prima abilita la modalitа Developer, la seconda la finestra di Log (non consigliata di base). La prima (modo developer) attiva alcuni codici e permette di aprire l'Editor ed alcune Mappe del gioco. La finestra di Log (attivabile solo con il Developer Mode attivo) apre 1 finestra in-game ed il Mouse pertanto non funzionerа piщ durante il gioco. La finestra di Log non si puт chiudere. Essa rilascia alcuni avvisi e permette di inserire comandi speciali per i Developer.

NOTA abilitando la modalitа Developer in Multiplayer saremo segnalati come Cheater PROBABILI, se infine usiamo i codici developer per truccare e poi salviamo .... saremo segnati come Cheater SICURI.


multishot # - Takes multiple screenshots of a single frame with a sub-pixel jitter, up to # times. This had to be implemented for nice screenshots, because my terrible laptop GeForce doesn't support HDR and FSAA.

scut # string - # is 0-8, and string is a dev command. Assigns the shortcut buttons on the log window.

reloadmenus - Reload menus.

reloadpcl - Reload particles.


NOTA i comandi vanno inseriti nella finestra della chat (premendo T di default) e come vediamo iniziano tutti con /devcmd

/devcmd spawn objname - objname is the name of any object defined in the rco files. So, "spawn obj_e30purple" would spawn a Fighter, for example.

/devcmd noclip - No clipping mode (fly through walls and such).

/devcmd jesus - Undying mode.

/devcmd notarget - Enemies will not see you.

/devcmd npsngs - Nothing will die.

/devcmd aipath - Toggle display of dynamic AI navigation paths.

/devcmd getpos - Print the player's position.

/devcmd setpos (# # #) - Set the player's position to (# # #) referring to (x y z) coordinates.

/devcmd <3 - Max health, all abilities.

/devcmd mako # - Give # mako. # can be a negative value to subtract mako.

/devcmd str # - Set strength stat to #.

/devcmd def # - Set defense stat to #.

/devcmd dex # - Set dexterity stat to #.

/devcmd luck # - Set luck stat to #.

/devcmd killemall - Kill all enemies on the level.

/devcmd giveitup - Stomps over the inventory with all items.

/devcmd timescale # - Sets the global time scale, where 1.0 is regular, 0.5 is half speed, 2.0 is double speed, and so on.

/devcmd testfx fxname - fxname is the name of a particle system. The effect will be played on the location of the player.

/devcmd runscript scriptname - scriptname is the name of any R-Script routine. The routine will be executed on the spot.

/devcmd map mapname - mapname is the name of one of the rcm files in the assets/maps folder. This changes the map.

/devcmd gvar name value - Sets gvar "name" to "value".

/devcmd gvarlist - Lists all gvars.

/devcmd mscript scriptname - scriptname is the name of a menu script. This broadcasts a message to clients to run a specific menu script.

".... e guideremo i giocatori verso la terra promessa ...."

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