GTX - Great Teacher Xabaras
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Iscritto il 28/03/07
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In realtà su quel link non c'è niente che non avessi già sentito, comunque vediamo....(prendo un pò di pezzi sparsi perchè non ho molto tempo, più in la vedrò di fare un lavoro migliore)
QUOTE | Wings and feathers are a motif of the main Witches in the game. Edea's dress has black feathers around the collar, Adel has two spiky wing-like protrusions extending from her back, Rinoa has her white feathery wings, and Ultimecia has her black, somewhat spiny, feathered wings. With this in mind, all that's represented here is a connection between Witches, not a connection between Rinoa and Ultimecia alone. The connection between Rinoa and Ultimecia is that their wings are black and white, representing good and evil, opposing representations of these concepts, and opposite representations of the use of the Witch Embodiment. |
In realtà, a parte le streghe principali (come giustamente si dice) le altre non erano dotate di "penne, piume" (non ho una traduzione migliore di feathers ) come Adele e quelle che vediamo nella compressione. Su Edea ho dei dubbi che la specie di mantello che indossa c'entri qualcosa. QUOTE | Considering that Ultimecia makes no **other** attempt to "reach out to Squall" during the game, merely trying to kill him each time she encounters him instead, it's hardly plausible that she's suddenly doing that at this point. For that matter, It's not even clear what Ultimecia's really talking about here. She may be talking about time itself. It may be a round about way of her telling them that their defeat is inevitable. Personally, I think it most likely another reference to everything having been fated, even from Squall and the others' childhoods. Whatever it is, there's nothing to suggest it to have anything to do with Squall or to suggest that this is Rinoa talking.
Good Point XD
Allora, questo discorso va molto ad interpretazione personale proprio perchè non è chiaro. Tuttavia, se si considerano le varie frasi dette da Rinoa (l'ultracitata "differente lunghezza d'onda" che lei percepiva nei confronti degli altri, proprio perchè avevano condiviso un'infanzia infelice a stretto contatto a differenza di lei....) Insomma, qui dipende da cosa si vuol credere, ma non si può prenderla ne come prova per smontare la teoria ne per confermarla, se si mantiene obbiettività (oppure, se si considera altro, può essere esattamente il tassello mancante.)
QUOTE | As with so much of this theory, this requires unsubstantiated assumptions. Aside from the obvious fact that Ultimecia could have met Squall again -- if that's what she so desired -- by simply using Junction Machine Ellone and going to the past, there's also the even more obvious fact that Ultimecia's goals as expressed by the game and hinted at by the Final Fantasy VIII Ultimania Guide had nothing to do with Squall. Ultimecia's goal was to avoid her fated death at Squall's hands, and to then become one with all that existed in the universe, though with mastery over it, essentially becoming God in the process.
If you wish to know how we know this, read the section titled "An Ultimecia Analysis - The Unjust Persecution" by TheOnionKnight, where Ultimecias true motives are discussed at length. |
Prima di tutto devo complimentarmi per chi ha gestito lo scritto perchè è davvero molto bravo. Secondo....qui si ritorna al discorso "idea abbandonata per strada" o ipotesi scartata in produzione. Una cosa però: consideriamo che NON SAPPIAMO quando Artemisia recupera la Junction Machine, ma possiamo ragionevolmente supporre che la abbia trovata non molto tempo dopo lo scontro finale (questo perchè, anche considerando l'ipotesi di "aspirazione divina", si può supporre che la Strega avrebbe tentato di utilizzarla alla prima occasione) inoltre, anche se l'avesse recuperata in precedenza, non è detto che avrebbe compreso subito il modo di utilizzarla ed in tutto questo tempo l'utilizzo di Griever (o la sua follia, oppure entrambi) potrebbero avergli fatto dimenticare che l'epoca di Ellione (ossia quando la macchina è stata costruita) è la stessa in cui ha vissuto Squall.
QUOTE | The game offers a perfectly valid suggestion for Ultimecia's Castle being where it was without there being any reason to believe that she was waiting for Squall. Ultimecia hated SeeDs, and she had slaughtered the remaining SeeDs of her era shortly before casting the Time Compression Spell, made evident by their bodies being scattered across the beach behind Edea's House:
They don't appear to have been dead for long, so it's not as though Ultimecia built the castle, killed the SeeDs and then parked it there many years before with the intention of it remaining there forever. Also, the castle **floats**. Why build a floating castle to begin with if you're going to park it in one spot?
The dead bodies of those SeeDs are a testament to Ultimecia's reason for anchoring the castle there. It makes much more sense -- especially in light of Ultimecia's hatred of the SeeDs and the obvious short amount of time that those SeeDs had been dead -- to conclude that Ultimecia parked the castle there and slaughtered the remaining SeeDs to settle a grudge before casting Time Compression. Granted, it's possible that she located her castle there from the start and that the SeeDs made an attempt to launch an assault against her shortly before she casted Time Compression, but this isn't suggested by the game nor as plausible.
The castle being located above where the SeeDs had been brought together and raised for a time also allows for another point of emphasis on the Fated Children concept (the game's opening song is "Liberi Fatali," which means "Fated Children"), as did the Orphanage being Squall and the others' point of focus when passing through the Time Compression wave in an attempt to arrive in Ultimecia's era.
As was the case with the overall concept of Ultimecia seeking to use Time Compression to meet Squall, this on its own doesn't serve as any evidence toward supporting the concept that Rinoa is Ultimecia, and would only apply if one had already accepted the concept and was using backwards reasoning. |
Beh io la prima cosa che ho pensato è stata proprio questa:
QUOTE | Time Compression. Granted, it's possible that she located her castle there from the start and that the SeeDs made an attempt to launch an assault against her shortly before she casted Time Compression, but this isn't suggested by the game nor as plausible.
Essendo i Seed Bianchi (unici soppravvisuti) dei Nomadi, io trovo la teoria dell'assalto finale e disperato la più plausibile. Il fattò dell'ancora è il più interessante, ma anche li il fatto che il castello voli e sia "parcheggiato" in quel luogo mi sembra troppo evidente. Certo, è vero che quello è l'orfanotrofio dei "Liberi Fatali", ma è SOPRATTUTTO il luogo dove Rinoa avrebbe aspettato Squall! Voglio dire, l'Orfanotrofio è indubbiamente la locazione più enfatizzata di tutto il gioco PROPRIO per questo, se pensiamo anche alle frasi iniziali del filmato d'apertura....
QUOTE | While all very interesting, it's also all one large unrelated matter, though it's certainly easy to see why and how one would draw a connection here. The faults in this matter lie first with the fact that Ultimecia never displays a mental state that could really be labled as insane. She always knew full well what she was doing, why she was doing it, and to what end she was doing it, as do we. Also notable is that the intended translation of "Ultimecia" most certainly was "Ultimecia." The name is a play on the concept of "all in one," or "altogether comprehensive," a concept that can be seen employed with the name of the Ultima Spell, this Spell being the combination of all Elements; it's also seen with the Ultimania Guides published by Square-Enix, as the "Ultimania" in the title alludes to the guides being completely comprehensive tomes on the games.
That said, with other information to support the notion of Rinoa being Ultimecia, such as proof or hard evidence of Witches having immortality, this would be an invaluable piece of evidence to work in the theory's favor. However, as things stand, it falls short. |
Questo è un concetto molto strano, specie per noi che conosciamo (per motivi ignoti della nostra traduzione) Ultimecia con il nome di Artemisia, percui preferisco non pronunciarmi troppo in merito.
QUOTE | Certainly an interesting take on the ending FMV, and one that could serve as compelling evidence if coupled with other strong support for the theory. On its own, however, or even coupled with the matter of the name "Artemisia," it's not enough to form a strong case. As things stand, it seems to require already assuming that Rinoa is Ultimecia in order to conclude that the scene was intended to infer something of that nature, but there's nothing to dismiss it as a possible indication if there is otherwise strong support for the notion.
As for a resemblance between Ultimecia and Rinoa, it should be noted that one can compare with or impose the faces of Selphie, Ellone, and Edea over Rinoa's, and all bear strong resemblances to her, as well. In a game in which all characters are designed by the same person, and especially with it being a character designer known for making his female characters look similar to one another -- and also when the same actor did the facial modeling for more than one of these characters -- there are almost certainly going to be resemblances in their facial features. This is something which must be kept in mind as their similarities are not necessarily indicative of there being an indication of some connection between the characters, either as them being related to one another, or as being the same person:
Vero, ma infatti la teoria va considerata nel suo insieme proprio perquesto. Oltretutto la cosa veramente strana è che noi vediamo Artemisia nei FMV solo per pochi frame, quindi praticamente MAI. Senzadubbio questo è strano e contorto, legandolo al momento (il ballo finale) in cui vengono mostrati.
QUOTE | There may have been a "real" Griever that existed in stories that Squall had known about, but the only suggestion offered in-game is that it is a creature that Squall conceived of in his own mind, as Scan tells us that in Squall's mind, Griever is the strongest GF:
"Griever In Squall's mind, the strongest GF. Through Ultimecia's power, continues fighting without vanishing."
Further, Ultimecia's Witch Embodiment powers granted her the ability to reach into other's minds and pull things out (as she often displays when completely removing a character's stock of a certain type of Spell). In the case of Griever, she simply manifested the thoughts she pulled from Squall's mind regarding what he believed to be the most powerful being in existance. This would be a great strategical move on Ultimecia's part. This is made even more plausible when examining what the japanese version has Ultimecia say:
Ultimecia: Your feelings, I shall summon the most powerful of things [from them]! The more strongly you feel, that will be what shall torment you. Fufu."
As you can see, Griever was clearly created there and then, and thus cannot be used to form a link between Rinoa and Ultimecia. |
Beh, tenendo conto dello scan, allora si può considerare giusto questo passo. Ma se teniamo presente gli altri dialoghi di Squall capiamo che non si riferisce mai a Griever come ad un GF, ma anzi! Ricorda sempre di non confodnerlo con un mostro, inquanto il suo anello rappresenta un Leone. Pertanto il nome Griever, nella mente di Squall, era riferito solo ad il Leone rappresentato nel suo anello.
QUOTE | Exactly; IF Rinoa were Ultimecia, this would be foreshadowing. But this is circular logic. If reading the line by itself without any notions of R=U already in your head, it would be a very bold leap indeed to draw from it that Rinoa must become Ultimecia. It is only when already assuming R=U that this line stands out, but this sort of backwards reasoning is completely unacceptable. Furthermore, note what Squall says directly afterwards:
Squall: "That's enough! I'll never do anything like that. The sorceress I'm after is not you, Rinoa. My enemy is the sorceress from the future... Ultimecia."
I'll never do anything like that.
The game is all about Squall and Rinoa's love growing to the point where it conquers everything, so it would quite strange indeed if Squall ends up killing her afterall. Either way though, the line is not nearly indicative enough to serve as evidence.
Questo è un passo molto debole! Intanto chiunque abbia una anche vaga conoscienza delle tragedie greche dovrebbe sapere che non ci sarebbe niente di strano nella dichiarazione di Squall in una qualsiasi tragedia (da Edipo a Romeo e Giulietta! ) Considerando la frase cinica e rassegnata di Rinoa, che in una qualche maniera avrebbe "predetto" la sua stessa fine, la risposta di Squall rimane appasionata e a tratti irrilevante, un punto che crede impossibile. Se prendiamo proprio Edipo Re, ci troviamo davanti ad una situazione simile: Edipo ascolta l'oracolo che dice "ucciderai tuo padre e ti sposerai con tua madre" e per evitare che esso si avveri fugge di casa e lascia la città. In seguito però PROPRIO a questi fatti Edipo compierà l'oracolo (leggetevi la storia perchè se no divago troppo ) In FF8 c'è un concetto simile, considerando che il destino, nel gioco, non si può cambiare. Dunque, ho scritto tanto ma ho risposto a poche cose, perchè non ho molto tempo e non credo sia molto utile. Semplicemente, la teoria NON stà in piedi per un riferimento esplicito, o ALL'OPPOSTO è vera, ma non ha una conferma decisiva. Insomma, è come uno di quei disegni usati nella psicanalisi: io ci vedo un corvo, tu ci vedi una torta di mirtilli (XD) è tutto relativo al punto di vista di chi gioca, inquanto un punto debole della teoria per uno può rappresentarne il punto forte per un altro. Questo è un discorso infinito che si fà con OGNI cosa, anche in altre faccende come la religione, la politica ecc. percui non penso si potrà mai arrivare ad una soluzione se alla Square non decidono di parlare (NOMURAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!) Ovviamente però noi possiamo sempre discutere dei vari punti di vista perchè, vera o meno (RIPETO! Io non ho mai detto di essere fermo sostenitore della sua autenticità!) resta senza ombra di dubbio una delle ipotesi più affascinanti di questo mondo che è Final Fantasy. Ho finito, sono morto -_____________-